05 January, 2011

VMWare: Unknown (invalid) VM in the list

This article save my time:
Just simply remove the leading ".encoding" setting in the vmx file, then re-register the VM.

1 comment:

JAM DELGA said...


I had a Virtual Machine in Workstation 8 and need to migrate to esxi 4.1

What i did was the following:

1. convert the disk .vmdk with the following command:
vmkfstools -i "my-source-disk.vmdk" -d zeroedthick "my-destination-disk.vmdk"
Follow this: http://www.lewisroberts.com/2010/08/26/vmware-workstation-conversion-to-esxi-4/
2. Change version "8"to "7" in the files: .vmx and .vmdk (disk)
3. Comment .encoding in files: .vmx and .vmdk (disk)

It works fine.