12 March, 2010

[PHP][Lighttpd] Using IE6 to download file through SSL connection

Using IE6 to download file from lighttpd server using HTTPS connection is troublesome.
In this article:
Every configuration in it is really helpful, however, I still cannot solve the problem!

What I want to do is using PHP to read the file content and echo back to my client. This approach seems find when working with FF, Chrome, Opera, IE7 and IE8. But the wacky IE6 doesn't take that way. After applying the configs mentions in the article, there is a final magic config. that is :
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');

It seems like that the zlib plugin will send some secrete headers back to browser to ruin the cache control header sent by my php script.. Turn it off and everything goes perfect!!!

In the end, I have to say that I HATE IE6!!! Why do we still need to support this buggy old fashion browser???

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