09 January, 2009

WinXP: How to use DHCP and have static IP on the same NIC

To setup a virtual NIC under Linux is easy:
ipconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast

However it is not easy to do that under WinXP when you want to use DHCP but also need a static IP on the same NIC. According to this website http://www.petri.co.il/configure_tcp_ip_to_use_dhcp_and_a_static_ip_address_at_the_same_time.htm

Using regedit to go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" and find your NIC. Then add the ip and submask to the regkey.

Disable your NIC and the enable it. After that, you can use ipconfig /all to check if it was work.

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