18 July, 2008

5 Days Break

Does time really go that fast?! It has been a month again! I only have 5 days break this time, because we have an unstable schedule, just like what I said before.
After I came back, we have visitors in my home, who are the friends of my mother.
And she has a nice and cute daughter named Jessica, she and I are in the same age. It is surprise that she like Heroes too, so we have common interest to chat XD. She try to finish the season 1 in my house, so I did what a CS student will do, illegally watching them online~ Even though I had already finish the season 2 and waiting for the third season, it still great to watch the first season again.
I also met my roommates during my short break, we went to Gordon Biersch for dinner. It is a nice place but the prices are a little expensive. Actually, It is super expensive XD. We have six people, and we spent about 5000$! Anyway, the food is great and the beers are fantastic so I think it is worth.
I have to back to my ship at 9 PM, and there is a typhoon in Taiwan... What are they thinking??? Oops, I forget that they don't think because they have no brain.
It explain everything...

1 comment:

Hai-Ning Wu said...

Nice conclusion! XD
And Gordon Biersch is fucking expensive!!!